How an Email ID can Automatically Find you on twitter and tweet you

Ravi Paliwal
Socket Basics and its Use-Cases
2 min readSep 14, 2017


A basic usecase of using Viasocket with twitter

ViaSocket is useful in integrating your APIs. You can also modify your API data using Socket script and IF condition.

  1. We’ve integrated a Socket URL on our signup form.
  2. Whenever a user fills the form and clicks on the Sign-up’ button, integrated URL collects all data and sends it to Socket panel.
Your details in socket panel

3. We’ve picked all the useful parameters. Email, Name, Number, Company, Designation, Reason, Country. Clicking on the parameter will show you ‘Add’ button.

4. After picking the data, it is ready for further use.

Data is ready to be used.

5. We’ve added a FullContacts API FullContact API for getting the Twitter ID from your Email ID. (You need to provide the Email ID and it will return your user’s all social details).

Full contact API, added in socket.

6. So whenever signup happens, it will automatically run and provide full social contact details of person, if available. You can test by adding API and clicking on ‘Dry Run’ button.

Response of API.

7. Now we’ve used IF condition in Socket flow i.e. IF ‘TwitterID’ found, send a tweet (using Twitter API).

Twitter API and IF condition.

So whenever anyone signs up on, it automatically send them a WELCOME tweet by using ViaSocket API integration flows.

If you need any help, please write us on or tweet back 😀

Or contact to Twitter rpaliwal71

Thank you Twitter And FullContact.



Tweet me Hello “rpaliwal71”. I am Tech entrepreneur building team productivity suite, 14 Years in SaaS, previously build msg91 and